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Ex-Chairman and Chief Medical Physicist,
Gummersbach Teaching Hospital,
University of Cologne

Prof. of Clinical Engineering,
Anhalt University of Applied Sciences,
Koethen, Germany

Prof. Dr. Golam Abu Zakaria

Founder Chairman

University Education and Professional Experience:
  • Bachelor student at the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology Dhaka, Bangladesh. —1970-1972
  • Award government scholarship for undergraduate study in a foreign country (Based on brilliant results in the SSC (10th place) in 1968 and HSC (10th place) in 1970).—1972
  • Study of Physics at the University Halle-Wittenberg leading to Diplom-Physiker (Master Degree in Physics with specialization in Medical Physics, 1978), Title of the Work: Construction and calibration of a parallel plate ion chamber for the measurement of electron dose distributions.—1973-1978
  • Research fellow and Postgraduate study at the Dept. of Radiation Physics and Biology, University Hospital (Prof. Dr. B. Markus), University of Goettingen, Germany.—1979-1980
  • Research fellow, Residency and Ph. D. work at the Dept. of Radiation Physics, University Hospital of the University of Heidelberg. Ph. D. in Medical Physics with MAGNA CUM LAUDE, Title of the Thesis: Pencil beam approach for 3-D-calculation of electron dose distributions: Comparison of calculation and measurement.—1980-1986
  • Chairman and Chief Medical Physicist at the Dept. of Medical Radiation Physics (same status as the other Medical Departments), Gummersbach Hospital, Academic Teaching University of Cologne, Germany.—1987-2019
  • Vice-Chairman of the DGMP -Task Group Medical Physics in developing countries of the German Society for Medical Physics (DGMP), Germany.—1993-2001
  • Lecturer of the International Master Study in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Mannheim Medical Center (MMC), University of Heidelberg, Germany.—2004-2019

Professional Training and Qualifications:

  • General Radiation Protection Training Course for Medical Physicists in ISS-Institute for Radiation Protection, Helmholtz Centre Munich, Germany.—1986
  • Special Radiation Protection Training Course for Medical Physicists in “Haus der Technik”, Essen, Germany.—1987
  • Recognition as a qualified expert in Medical Radiation Physics (Radio-Oncology, Nuclear Medicine and Radiological Diagnostic) by German Society for Medical Physics (DGMP).—1990
  • Authorization for Accreditation and build-up “Qualified Medical Physicist” in Radio-Oncology, Nuclear Medicine, and Radiological Diagnostic by the German Society for Medical Physics (DGMP).—since 1994

Present Position and Professional Experience:

  • Chairman of the DGMP-Task Group Medical Physics in developing countries of the German Society for Medical Physics, Germany.—since 2001
  • Founder, Visiting Professor, and Coordinator for International Cooperation of the “The Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering” at Gono Bishwabidyalay (University), Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh.—since 2001
  • Professor of Clinical Engineering at the Faculty of Electrical-, Mechanical- and Industrial Engineering, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Koethen, Germany.—since 2003
  • Lecturer of the School on Medical Physics for Radiation Therapy, “The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)”, Trieste, Italy.—since 2013
  • Teacher at the Post Graduate School of Medical Physics, Professional Education Centre, University of Heidelberg, Germany.—since 2014
  • Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Engineering, M. Institute of Science and Technology (MIST), Mirpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh.—since 2017
  • Founder Chairman, South Asia Centre for Medical Physics and Cancer Research (SCMPCR), Dhaka, Bangladesh.—since 2018
  • Member of the Global Representatives Subcommittee (GRSC) of the AAPM.— Since 2021

Experience in Supervision:

  • Supervision of many Bachelor (130 x), Master (75 x), Resident (15 x), and Ph. D (10 x) students.


  • More than 115 Scientific Papers in German and International Journals.

Member of Scientific Societies:

  • DGMP – German Society for Medical Physics since 1983
  • ESTRO – European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology since 1992
  • AAPM – American Association of Physicists in Medicine since 1996
  • AMPI – Association of Medical Physicists of India (Lifetime) since 1996
  • BMPS – Bangladesh Medical Physicists Society (Honorary) since 2009

Distinction, Awards, and Honorary Membership:

  • The Oncology Club & SAARC Federation of Oncologists honored with a highly prestigious award “Outstanding Personalities of the Decade 2000-2010” for the unique contribution to establishing Medical Physics in Bangladesh.—2009
  • Honorary Advisor at the National Institute of Cancer Research and Hospital (NICRH), Dhaka. —since 2010
  • Honorary Membership Prize by Bangladesh Cancer Society (BSC) for his important contribution to the development of Radiation Oncology in Bangladesh.—since 2011
  • Fellow of Bangladesh Physical Society for the contribution in Physics.—since 2011
  • Fellow of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences for the contribution in Physics.—2012
  • Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering, College of Information Engineering at China Jiliang University, Hangzhou, China.—since 2016
  • “Global Radiation Oncology Distinguished Leader Award 2019” by Global Health Catalyst of the Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA —2019