Alo Bhubon Trust has been registered in Registrar of Joint Stock Companies & Firms Bangladesh under the Societies Registration Act, 1860.
Under the Provision of the Foreign Donations (Voluntary Activities) Regulation Act 2016, Alo Bhubon Trust has been registered in the NGO Affairs Bureau (NGOAB) supervised by the Prime Minister’s Office.
Bangladesh is a densely populated country having 160 million people living in an area of 147,570 km2 (30.5.2019) in which 64.96% of the total population is living in rural areas. The developing countries share some common characteristics like health risks, low education levels, poverty, corruption, terrorism, illiteracy, inadequate public healthcare, environmental pollution etc.
Many national and international organizations are uniquely designed and activated to help to solve complex development problems in a courageous, integrated, and innovative way to meet the sustainable development goals (SDG). The development of any country depends on a holistic effect of different governments and NGOs working on that particular country. Considering this NGO/Trust plays a very important role for improvement of the socio-economic, scientific, technological, medical and environmental situation of the country.
In 1972 Golam Abu Zakaria, a young student full of devotion for his motherland, left Bangladesh at the age of 18 years for University undergraduate education in Germany which was supported by a German governmental scholarship. He was one of the first awardees of Bangladesh after its independence in December 1971. From then his patriotism for Bangladesh, motivates him to analyze the factors for which Germany is so developed at that time in comparison to Bangladesh. Since that time, he has started to share his knowledge to Bangladeshis during his visit to the home country and is desperate to do some work with respect to his field, especially in medical physics. He has also a keen interest to improve and avail education, health hygiene, hospitals, vocational training to the deprived people in the villages. Besides this, he has the knowledge as physicist and regularly delivers lectures on the environment and renewable energies in Germany. This acts as a driving force to share his experience and knowledge to his home country. From his experience for more than 40 years in Germany in different areas and approximately 30 years in Bangladesh and other developing countries, he thinks Bangladesh must need development not only in his specialized field in medical physics but also other major sectors such as in primary education, secondary education, health education, environment, energy, research which are the prime need of the people of Bangladesh.
This apprehension ultimately resulted in the establishment of the organization Alo Bhubon Trust (Alo-BT) in July 2017 by Prof. Dr Golam Abu Zakaria along with some of his close like-minded majestic persons. Alo Bhubon Trust is a non- profit, charitable and voluntary welfare association with its primary motto ‘’Serving Humanity and Sustainable Development our Vision.’’
The first and prime project of Alo Bhubon Trust is the establishment of the South Asia Centre for Medical Physics and Cancer Research (SCMPCR). He has the goal to develop for advanced and innovative treatment of cancer patients not only in Bangladesh but also in the South Asia region, considering the urgent need of qualified manpower in these treatment sectors.
The projects of other sectors will be started successively under Alo Bhubon Trust. All the projects will be run by the efficient manpower defined in the organogram for each project. The board of trustee is well experienced and will act as a good advisor to run the Alo Bhubon Trust.
Alo Bhubon Trust encourages the following values to be practiced both at Individual and organizational level.
• Honesty
• Sustainable development
• Serving humanity
• Transparency and Accountability
• Mutual respect
• Creativity
• Gender sensitiveness
• Cost efficiency
• Participation
• Solidarity